Disaster Services

Local assistance after a devastating disaster

We understand the long-term impact of a disaster. That's why Alexander Jewish Family Service provides assistance and long-term recovery case management after a catastrophic event. We partner with other community groups who offer rescue and early-stage relief to provide longer-term assistance, working to navigate the details of your journey to stabilization and recovery.

We provide:
  • Direct assistance
  • Family case management
  • Access to public resources
  • Counseling
  • Help navigating relief benefits

Recovery to Resettlement

Disaster Preparedness

Preparedness in Harris County is not just for Hurricane Season. Avoid panic by stocking up on items over the entire year. It is safer, more efficient and less expensive than waiting until disaster strikes.

Housing & Financial Assistance

We provide the following resources:

  • Locate temporary or long-term housing and other immediate needs.
  • Donated and discounted furnishings to make their current living conditions more comfortable.
  • Access to available resources to help alleviate the financial impact of an event.

FEMA & Insurance

We assist with navigating applications and accessing insurance benefits.

After-Storm Clean Up

We connect clients with volunteers to help with packing and unpacking, cleaning, sorting through items, documenting losses and more.

Resources & News

A central location for you to be empowered with knowledge.
Stories of
"Please accept our heartfelt gratitude to Alexander JFS and the Jewish Federation for your generous assistance as we recover from the challenges wrought by Harvey. We will forever be grateful for your kindness and look forward to the future when we will give back."
Client, Disaster Case Management
This quote has been annonoymized for client privacy protection
pink candy with black and white grateful sign

We Are Here to Help

Complete the contact form to begin working with Case Management. Once we receive your submission, we will call you and schedule a phone appointment with you within 2 business days.

Contact Us Directly

For additional information, please contact dcm@alexanderjfs.org or call (713) 667-9336.

Hours of Operation
Need Help Now?

We need you to bring light, hope and help.

Volunteers are a vital part of how we are able to help by generously giving their time, energy and experience. Join our volunteer emergency email list or puchase basic foods and necessities to donate to the Alexander JFS Pantry.
A smiling volunteer hands a dark haired woman a stack of folded clothing

We provide light, hope and help.

Explore Alexander JFS Services